Tarukathaa'Tarukatha' - repertory of images gathered and absorbed over the years through commonplace rituals like offering water oblation to 'Tulsi" and "Kusha" grass, 'Bel' fruit and leaves to Lord Shiva; using mango leaves and coconut in the preparation of 'Purnakumbha', receiving mango and banana fruit as 'Prasad'; sowing of 'barley' seeds on the beginning of 'Navratras'; and other such rituals which, surely, would be community, culture and region specific expressed through folklore. The performance of these rituals has been a lasting experience; their crystallization a process of thought and study and their expression a compulsion.
'Tarukatha' - sharing of this experience by connecting to the long forgotten folklore and mythological past where, seeking to attain harmony with forces of nature, our ancestors, silently watching the sprouting of seed as a celestial gift, in awe and reverence, had deified the vegetation all around , certain trees becoming sacred for being abodes of many a god and goddess. 'Tarukatha' - celebration of this mystery of creation, of fertility and of germination of seed, expressed through various fertility rituals woven around the trees and plants thereby bestowing divinity on them. 'Tarukatha' - divinity expressed through mystic images of gods and goddesses reflected through symbols associated with them -- the symbols of creation, preservation and at times of destruction -- the lotus, the Sudarshan Chakra with reigning deities, the Sun God -- riding his chariot with seven horses, Lord Brahma's vessel of creation, and the mystical third eye of Lord Shiva etc. 'Tarukatha' - primordial images in colour , of the Peepal as holy triad ; 'Tulsi' as 'Lakshmi' incarnate - ritualistically married to Lord Vishnu ; of Lotus, the enternal primal seed of cosmic creation; of mango, the abode of Lord Brahma, the symbol of fecundity ; of the eternal wish granting 'Bo-tree' or the Banyan, the mythical Kalpavraksha ;and of others as divine. 'Tarukatha' is a sharing of these images, reflecting the underlying belief in the mystique of mythology drawing inspiration not from any scholastic or artistic pretensions, but faith. |
Considered as adobe of Sheetla Devi - goddess of smallpox and other diseases, is held sacred. The tree also obtains reverence for providing shelter to The Sun god when he was attacked by demons. The tree is also famous for its medicinal properties justifying the divinity bestowed on it.
Bel Tree (wood apple)
The tree is held secred because the leaves and fruits are offered to Lord Shiva as a compulsory ritual. Tantrik folklore also has Lakshmi appearing in the form of cow on earth and creating the Belva or Bel tree.
Parijat is one of the objects obtained out of churning of ocean, ‘Samundra Manthan’ and is revered as such. Along with ‘Kalp Vriksh’, ‘Kam Dhenu’, ‘Vasuki’, ‘Kaustub’ and ‘Chandrama’. Parijat is held as a sacred jewel brought on earth from heaven by ‘Lord Krishna’.
Ashok (Sita Ashok)
It was under the protection of Ashoka tree in Ashok Vatika that Sita is believed to have remained chaste and she had to prove her chastity of ordeal of fire. The tree is also held sacred by the Buddhists as Lord Buddha’s mother is believed to have retaired under an Ashoka grove before his birth.
Palash, known as flame of the forest is considered incornation of Lord Brahma and is held sacred as such. The three leaves of the tree are also supposed to be having the holy triad residing therein.
The tree was created for special worship of their respective Lords by ‘Lakshmi and Parvati’ out of their tears. The tree as such held secred in Indian mythology.
Tulsi is considered incarnation of goddess Lakshmi on Earth and that is why it is ritualistically married to Lord Vishnu in the form of Salagrama, born out of river Gandhki. The plant has a special place in Indian Mythology as being one of the holiest. The plant is also known for its medicinal properties.
Obtaining mango fruit as ‘Prasad’ is a common place ritual associated with fecundity. As abode of Lord Brahma the tree is symbol of creation. The flower of the tree known as ‘Manjari’ is believed to be one of the arrows of Lord Kama - the Indian god of Love and Romance.
Lotus is considered holy for having carried the seed of cosmic creation as also for being seat of Lord Brahma, the Supreme Creator who sprung out of Lord Vishnu’s naval sitting on a Lotus. While red lotus is associated with ‘Lakshmi’.
The tree is believed to be having the presence of Lord Brahma in its roots, Lord Vishnu in the stem and Lord Shiva in the leaves. It is also known for being abode for snake goddess Mansa. It was under a peepal tree that Lord Krishna was hit by an arrow in his foot causing his death.
The tree was immortalized by the touch of ‘amrit’ when Garuda sat over it while carrying the pot of ‘amrit’ after stealing it from Lord Indra. It stood immortal in Kalida Lake where everything else perished bec ause of venous presence of Kalia Nag.
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